
No more lumps under my skin

I was introduced to Simplicité after hearing about it through colleagues and as soon as I tried the products I was hooked. I’m 27 and before using Simplicité I had small bumps under the skin on my cheeks, like a mild acne.
What I loved from the beginning is that this truly is an all-natural skin care product. I could actually identify every product on the ingredients list and was so happy to even see Australian bush natives used.

At first I was reluctant to use the Face Oil in the Trial Pack as I thought it would contribute to my oiliness. After Robin gave me some instructions I then used used it with the products in the Trial Pack and absolutely loved them all. Within a few months the lumps under my skin (which had been there since my teen years) had vanished. I loved my new beauty routine and my skin felt amazing.

I have now been using Simplicité for some years now and have tried nearly all of the range. What I like most about using Simplicité products is that they all smell amazing and feel wonderful and also they give you peace of mind because you know that you aren’t exposing your skin to harmful products.

Despite my initial reservations about oiliness, my favourite product is the Sage Face Oil, which makes my skin feel moisturised and dewy without being heavy. A couple of my other favourites are Lemon Night Creme (smells beautiful), and Plant Gel Cleanser (a lovely daily treat) – and there are many more.

I am exceptionally thankful to Robin and David for creating a quality product that is completely natural and animal friendly. I cannot speak highly enough of all of their Simplicité products.

Jess Kwiecien
Cleveland Qld

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Roaccutane could not fix my 'terrible' acne

I had terrible acne for 17 years but now my skin is so clear that I don’t even wear makeup! As a bonus, even my acne scars and sun spots faded away.

What caused this miracle? I found the acne-clearing, beautiful range of Simplicité skin care products.

I had awful acne from the age of 15. I used Roaccutane (twice!) and as well, tried everything that beauticians and doctors could offer.

Nothing worked. Some things seemed to at first, but the results never lasted.

I had so many strong acid peels and it seems, every other sort of beauty treatment on offer. But my acne stayed and my skin just becamemore flaky, dry and dull.

But then I found Simplicité products after I moved from Argentina to Australia. I’m a vegan so when I heard that these organic and natural products actually gave results I was very interested.

Of course I was skeptical at the start because I had tried so many products in my life - also, Simplicité is very gentle.

But I know that they are very different to just ‘natural’ and also that they’re powerful as well as being so gentle!

Paola Moro
Brisbane Qld

Paolo used theSimplicité breakout products and importantly for clearing cystic acne, the internal remedy Herbal Skin Cleanser capsules.

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I've had no breakouts or blackheads at all since I've used Simplicité

I had suffered a few years of stress related acne breakouts; I also had areas of scarring on my cheeks from these breakouts, and blackheads on my nose. I’d tried to fix this with a lot of brands, including Neutrogena, Clinique, Proactive and Nutrimetics. Nothing helped, and as I have very sensitive skin I suffered allergic reactions to several of these products.

I started using Simplicité products in November 2007. Within 3-4 weeks my skin was already improving and it had completely cleared up in less than three months. I found the products pleasant to use and non-irritating. I have never had any problems with sensitivity and I am very happy to say that since I have used Simplicité I have had no breakouts at all.

David and Robin suggested I use the following products in my daily routine:

They also advised me to use the Exfoliating Face Treatment once or twice weekly as a mask to ‘draw’ impurities from my skin – it really works!

Meredith Brown
Brisbane Qld

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I had acne - but my skin is awesome now

My skin was pretty bad when I first met Robin & David – I was in Grade 10 at school and was well on the way to full blown acne. I hated it. After my first visit to their clinic, I came out armed with four products – the Plant Gel Cleanser for comb/oily skin, the One Step Exfoliator, the Sage Face Oil and the Rosemary Blemish Gel. These were simple to use – I just had to do it all twice daily. I was very diligent, especially with cleansing. I even did it as they told me to after sport at school because apparently sweating congests the pores. I really wanted my skin to look better.

It took about 3 months to really see results but then the improvement was very quick. Now my skin is awesome. I still use all the products twice a day.

Richie Thompson
Brisbane Qld

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The best adult acne treatments

Before I found Simplicité products I had such severe adult onset acne that I had to cover this up with a thick mask of makeup foundation when I went to work. (My job as Executive Manager for a large media corporation required a high level of presentation.) I was distressed about having to do this, especially when attending conferences in holiday destinations – I felt so out of place wearing my mask of makeup when everyone was dressed casually.

But Simplicité products turned out to be the best adult acne treatments I’d ever found. Previously, I’d been frustrated and saddened to learn that I had very little choice other than invasive cosmetic procedures or high level of drugs with tremendous side effects.

I read an article about David and Robin and was delighted when David outlined a plan for me to overcome the adult acne. I used the Simplicité products for breakouts and acne including the Acne Antibacterial Serum as well as the internal cleansing remedy Herbal Skin Cleanser capsules. Within three to four months the aggressive breakouts had settled and by six months the outbreaks had stopped completely and the scarring had greatly diminished. I kept taking the capsules for a few more months to make sure.

12 months later my skin was still free of breakouts and acne and looked fresh, even toned and healthy – with or without make up!

I still use and love the full range of products for Combination Dry Oily Skin, including the Results Lift Gel. My skin is beautiful and I love it!

Lisa Cavallaro-Moran
Brisbane Qld

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