Efudex but it helped me find the best ever effective natural skincare

I now have my best, glowing skin of a lifetime. I feel transformed - also very lucky so I'm sharing my story. My change from pretty ordinary to beautiful skin happened after I discovered the best soothing moisturiser to relieve discomfort during and after Efudex skin cancer treatment.

I was suffering so much during the first weeks of this harsh way of treating early cancers. I am so grateful I found Damask Rose Day Creme - it saved my skin but also my sanity!

It is a beautiful cream to use and it is just one of many incredible Simplicité skincare products ('incredible' - the results these products give but also how beautiful they feel). David Lyons, a herbalist and naturopath formulates and makes Simplicité products. I was interested to know more so I read a lot about him and his products. David originally treated skin cancer for seven years at Royal Brisbane Hospital.That experince and a lot of research he did into the causes of cancer apparently greatly influenced him in how he formulated and made treatments to help his patients in the skin clinics he later set up. He became known as 'the naturopath who helped skin' and had a huge following.Then his clinic products became the amazing skincare range I discovered through Efudex - Simplicité.

Why it's so effective - all the years David spent treating skin cancer and researching causes of cancer set him up for the absolutely unheard of way he formulates his products. The results they give skin are unheard of too, due apparently to Daivd using only highest quality plant extracts and particular combinations of those. And most important I suppose, is that he'd only use plant extracts that published studies show give particular results. For example the studies about extracts David uses in Damask Rose Day Creme show they relieve extreme discomfort. That's why the Damask is the best moisturiser to use for Efudex skin cancer treatment. It is incredibly soothing and comforting to apply to very irritated, reddened and burning skin. Exactly the red awful skin I had that gave me such a terrible time! I went through agony with it and so many others suffer in the same way through weeks of Efudex skin cancer treatment.

David did an excellent job in creating a soothing moisturiser for Efudex skin cancer treatment  - his Damask Rose Day Creme. Even though he had no idea at the time what on earth Efudex was then. Neither I'm sure does anyone who's used the Simplicité products for a year or so and more. They're highly nutritive so give you lovely - healthy - skin. No problem with early skin cancers on the lovely, healthy Simpllicité skin - so no awful Efudex necessary. 

That's a huge selling point if like me, you've ever had to go through weeks of Efudex skin cancer treatment. Hopefully now though, everyone whose doctor tells them to use Efudex knows there's a great moisturiser to use during Efudex (make sure to use it from Day One!) and after Efudex - if you weren't fortunate enough to find out beforehand about Damask Rose Day Creme's soothing magic for Efudex discomfort.

"I was lucky to discover Damask Rose Day Creme. It soothed my very angry skin during and after Efudex treatment. I now also use other products from the same range and I'm so happy to say my skin looks and feels glorious!"
Cathy H, NSW Australiabest moisturiser to use during Efudex - and afterwards

Cathy's Efudex story

Efudex Fluorouracil-5% topical cream  is used to treat precancerous solar and actinic keratoses, also a type of skin cancer called superficial basal cell carcinoma. It is a normal response to using Efudex that skin being treated turns bright red and swells, becomes inflamed and feels extremely uncomfortable. This response is expected and apparently shows that the Efudex treatment is working. 

Cathy: "Extremely uncomfortable only begins to describe what Efudex treatment feels like. Just as well I found Damask Rose Day Creme. The cream was very, very helpful in alleviating the awful stinging and dryness that defines Efudex treatment,

Cathy - one week after starting Efudex treatment
Best moisturiser to use during and after Efudex

My doctor had prescribed Efudex for keratosis spots on my face that he was concerned about. I was prepared for the fact that I'd look really awful during the treatment. What I wasn’t prepared for was the incredible discomfort – the burning, stinging, and dryness that was constantly crusting and weeping and making me feel ill with the pain. 

I felt more and more despairing as my skin got tighter and tighter and felt more and more dry.

The worst thing about it - and you hear this SO OFTEN - my doctor told me specifically not to use anything,any creams on my face during treatment. Why do so many doctors say that - because nowhere can I find any reason for saying it - any reason doing this will help.  

Best moisturiser to use before and after Efudex
I started searching online to find how other people coped during Efudex treatment, and I found a page where a woman raved about a moisturiser to soothe discomfort during Efudex treatment. This was Damask Rose Day Creme and it helped her immensely

I was very lucky to find and purchase this cream from a local stockist - Penelope from The Treatment Room in Federal NSW. And just as I read in the internet story, using the Damask Rose cream also saved me from terrible discomfort during  Efudex treatment. Using it made a huge difference to my final two weeks of Efudex because it completely stopped all discomfort. No more dry awful scabs appeared (joy!) and instead of my skin weeping or cracking as it did in the first two weeks, it stayed intact, smooth and felt so comfortable.

Once I'd finished Efudex, Penelope gave me a facial treatment using many of the beautiful, nutrient-rich Simplicité products. I could actually feel them working on my skin, repairing and restoring its condition. I've become a complete fan of all of these wonderful products that the clever herbalist David Lyons creates in Brisbane, Queensland.

Best moisturiser to use during and after Efudex
Now I have regular facials with Penelope and my everyday routine includes Simplicité serums (they're concentrated intensives) the Eye Cream and of course Damask Rose Day Cream. I've took photos to show how extremely well my skin recovered with this care and using these marvellous nutritive skin products.

This last photo is taken straight after one of Penelope's anti-ageing facials that my skin just loves!

Best moisturiser during and after Efudex

The Efudex treatment was horrendous but I am so grateful that through it I found Penelope and the divine Simplicité skin care products. My skin has never looked and felt so wonderful.
Cathy H

Cathy's Simplicité routine

During Efudex skin cancer treatment:
am and pm Cleanse face then apply Efudex cream. Wait 20 minutes then apply Damask Rose Day Creme. Apply as often as needed to soothe any skin discomfort such as itchiness, burning, stinging.

After finishing Efudex skin cancer treatment: 
am and pm Facial cleanser - pm after cleansing, clear pores and gently exfoliate using One Step Exfoliating Cleanser.
am and pm Apply intensive Anti-Oxidant Plant Serum mixed with Hydrating Floral Toning Lotion (normal/dry).
am and pm Apply intensive Capillary Repair Serumfollow with Alba White Day Moisturiser to address redness (warm Alba White first between fingertips). 
am and pm Apply Firming Rehydration Eye Cream

anti-ageing anti-ageing skin care antiageing best moisturiser to use during Efudex best natural skin care moisturiser Efudex Efudex pain reliever skin rejuvenation

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David and Robin Lyons

Simplicité Founders

"We help our customers to never again feel disappointed or worried about their skin. Every day we hear from surprised, happy, satisfied people about the most effective skin care products they’ve ever found."