Best moisturiser to use during Efudex treatment

So many people ask the question, "What's a good moisturiser to use during Efudex treatment?" The answer can only be the incredibly soothing and comforting Damask Rose Day Creme. Nothing else works as well as this nutritive moisturiser to ease discomfort during Efudex and after Efudex - whether you're in Australia, UK, USA, Canada, or elsewhere. 

Efudex has been prescribed and used since 1964 with NO EFFECTIVE ANTIDOTE found in all that time for the excruciating discomfort the skin cancer treatment inflicts on users. Finally though, there is an effective soothing antidote for Efudex discomfort. Simply apply Damask Rose Day Creme from day one of Efudex treatment and tranform what is usually an agonising experience into a tolerable one. . 

A Simplicite customer first discovered Damask Rose Day Creme's Efudex-soothing qualities in 2009. Before then Efudex held a well-deserved reputation as 'most feared topical skin treatment'. Thankfully, that fearsome reputation is now in tatters.

Why Damask Rose Day Creme is the best soother for Efudex discomfort during and after the treatment

Anyone lucky or rescourceful enough to get hold of this Australian-made nutritive moisturiser prior to starting Efudex will romp through their treatment. They will not have nasty scabs, crusting, weeping or cracking skin. They will have minimal to no burning, itching or dryness. In short, they will have an Efudex experience that is NOTHING like the usual Efudex ordeal.

Australian herbalist and naturopath David Lyons originally treated skin cancer for seven years at Royal Brisbane Hospital. His research into the causes of cancer inspired him to use a number of herbal extracts in Damask Rose Day Creme that were shown in published scientific studies to ease discomfort.

Anyone who has used Damask Rose Day Creme from the beginning of Efudex treatment sleeps comfortably throughout (no lying awake in agony), washes their face without "skin coming off in great sheets', shaves without problem (men).

If only we'd known about Damask Rose Day Creme before my husband endured two weeks of Efudex!

Lou has a message for anyone who is prescribed Efudex skin cancer treatment: "Be prepared! Use Damask Rose Day Creme FROM DAY ONE."

"If only we'd known beforehand there's a moisturiser that makes Efudex treatment bearable. My husband Gary had to stop Efudex at two weeks - a fortnight early - because he was in such excruciating agony from day one".

Pics 1 and 2: Lou: “This is what Gary's whole face looked like on the day he had to stop Efudex and I ordered the Damask Creme for him”.

"Gary was told to use Vaseline during his prescribed four-week Efudex treatment. This doesn't help at all! He had a horrendous Efudex experience and simply couldn't continue after two weeks. We were just so lucky that he quickly recovered from that nightmare - only because I found Damask Rose Day Creme online and it arrived so quickly with express shipping."

 “His face was horrendous on the day the cream arrived. He started using it straight away. It stung for a few minutes but I'd read that was normal at this raw skin stage so we weren’t too concerned.”

Pic 3: Four days after starting Damask Day Creme

“By Monday the improvement was incredible, the redness was easing and scabs falling off. Never expected such a brilliant result!”

Pic 4: One week later Gary's skin is wonderful

Lou: “Omg that was a nightmare. This cream was my husband’s saving grace! He is so grateful to have found this amazing product and he tells everyone about it.

We know for sure it was Simplicité Damask Rose Day Creme that fixed Gary's face. This is because after stopping Efudex he firstly tried Eco Tan's Glory Oil. But that only aggravated everything, so as soon as possible we switched to Damask Rose Day Creme." 

How to soothe discomfort from Day One of Efudex 

Twice daily after washing face and applying Efudex, wait 20 minutes then apply Damask Rose Day Creme.

Apply Damask Rose Day Creme additionally as often as required to soothe any discomfort and keep skin feeling soft and comfortable.

If going in the sun it is essential to wear a hat and apply the only nutritive effective sunscreen on the market - Simplicité Great Outdoors Moisturiser with Sunscreen. It is highly efffective and beautiful to use.
Every sunscreen regardless of spf must be reapplied every two hours.

Efudex Efudex 5-flourouracil Efudex best moisturiser Efudex pain reliever

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David and Robin Lyons

Simplicité Founders

"We help our customers to never again feel disappointed or worried about their skin. Every day we hear from surprised, happy, satisfied people about the most effective skin care products they’ve ever found."