Natural skin care treatments for acne scarring

Types of acne scarring
First it's important to know there are two different types of acne scarring.
Also, what you may think is acne scarring could actually be something else: post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).
The two types of acne scarring are:
1. The pesky pink, red or purple marks that are left behind after acne and breakouts finally clear.
Some people are more prone to having this residual scarring than others - this is usually due to genetics as well as skin tone influence - the fairer the skin, the more obvious the red, pink or purple scarring is. More severe acne and breakout problems leave more pronounced red, pink or purple scarring.
The good news is that this sort of acne scarring is easily treatable when you use effective natural skin care products that contain specific mixtures of high quality plant extracts aimed at reducing acne scarring.
At Simplicité Skin Care we have excellent results for both reducing and clearing pink, red and purple acne scarring. The routine to do this includes using One Step Exfoliating Cleanser every night after cleansing, also twice daily application of Antioxidant Plant Serum - as part of the basic skin routine.
Many people who have taken the drug Accutane (aka Roaccutane) as an acne treatment are left with this pink, red and purple scarring. We strongly suggest avoiding Accutane at all costs as not only can it damage your skin but it can have serious psychological effects.
2. Indented marks in the skin - this 'pitting' is caused from not extracting bacteria from breakouts and pimples; bacteria left to sit in the pore will gradually eat into skin and leave an indented mark, a hole in skin.
Improvement for this type of acne scarring can be achieved by using the gentle and effective One Step Exfoliating Cleanser nightly, with additional results found by applying Rosehip and Lavender Complexion Refiner at least twice weekly. Otherwise it is best to consult a dermatologist for specific help.
Acne scarring vs post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)
Knowing the difference between acne scarring (described above) and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (below) is important.
When you can accurately identify and then be able to treat either condition properly you'll avoid any further damage to your skin.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the reddish, pinkish or brownish spots that are left over after a pimple heals. These is not true scarring as such, more a temporary discolouration of skin as part of its normal inflammatory healing process. When skin is opened up – for example after popping a pimple – abnormal pigmentation, tone, and texture that is different to the healthy surrounding skin can result.
Different coloured PIH for different skin tones
For those with paler skin tones, PIH is usually pink, red, or purple. Those with darker skin tones may develop brown or even black spots.
How to get rid of acne marks and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation naturally
PIH can sometimes fade by itself, but this is rare and if it does happen can take a very long time. As with any skin condition, faster and more lasting improvements will be seen if you are using effective natural skin care that feeds your skin back to health.
Some pink/red marks can disappear in as little as a few weeks, if using natural skin care products that contain large amounts of plant-sourced trans-retinoic acids and antioxidant flavonoids.
The darker red/purple marks tend to take a bit longer to clear and will need concentrated nutrient products to achieve success.
The better overall shape your skin is in, the more quickly any new blemishes and marks will fade.

5 steps to clear and prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Wear adequate sunscreen daily.
UV rays can darken acne marks and scars so be diligent about application of sunscreen, especially on areas where you are prone to acne and scarring. Simplicité Great Outdoors Moisturiser with Sunscreen or Alba White Day Moisturiser with SPF10 are perfect for everyday use (can be worn under makeup) and they will not clog pores. - Use topical products containing natural Vitamin C, such as our products that contain Rosehip Oil and fresh extract of Rosehip Husk, including Results Lift Gel, and Rosehip and Lavender Complexion Refiner (rub off mask). Both of these help to banish acne scars and regenerate damaged skin tissue because of their high content of Trans-Retinoic Acids (Rosehip Oil) and natural vitamin C and bioflavonoids (Rosehip Husk).
Use an intensive repair serum.
Add Antioxidant Plant Serum to your routine to effectively improve the appearance of the acne scarring. For best results use this Serum Concentrate twice daily before Face Oil and Nutritive Moisturiser. -
Play the long game.
Clearing PIH is not a fast process because skin has to heal and this takes a few months. Quickest results will always be for relatively recent scarring. Teenage to late-20s and mid-30s are generally the best time periods in which acne scarring can be completely cleared.
However, those in mid-30s and older who have residual acne scarring from teenage breakout problems can still reduce the appearance of the scarring by using an effective hyperpigmentation reducing routine. -
Prevention is key.
To prevent having acne scarring in the first place, it is essential to a) always use our pimple extractor to extract any obvious bacteria from pimples. b) We recommend not picking, squeezing or unnecessarily touching problem skin areas as these actions will cause more damage and delay healing.
Additional help to clear acne scarring and PIH
As well as the intensive remedies mentioned above, effective daily use Simplicité products that help reduce acne scarring are:
Plant Gel Cleanser (Combination/Dry, Oily Skin - cleanse in the morning and at night, also if possible after strenuous exercise.
One Step Exfoliating Cleanser - use every evening after cleansing (or no less than 4 times per week). Contains Cinnamon - encourages contraction of skin tissue and contains substances that encourage a protective coating to form on damaged scarred skin; Lavender - encourages cellular regeneration and reduces surface scarring.
Sage Face Oil will help to reduce scarring and also to correct excess oiliness. It must be applied morning and night after cleansing - apply with Hydrating Floral Toning Lotion for combination dry oily skin.
Lemon Night Creme applied after Sage Face Oil in the evening will help to reduce the depth of the scars.
As upsetting as acne scars and PIH can be these conditions can be successfully treated with effective natural skincare - the key is patience and consistency.
Results for reducing acne scarring and post inflammatory inflammation.