Didn’t have to use Efudex for early skin cancers

The reason I came to you in the first place was because the doctor thought I'd benefit from a course of skin cancer cream on my face and chest. It’s called Efudex and I did a course of it once for 6 weeks on my arms. It was a terrible time and I didn’t want to go through that again - so when a workmate recommended your products I leapt at the chance.

After a year of using the Basic Six products (Combination/Oily skin), Antioxidant Plant Serum and Rosehip & Lavender Complexion Refiner, my doctor couldn't find any skin cancers to treat! He said that my skin was good and there was no need after all to use the Efudex skin cancer treatment. I was more than happy with that.

Carol King
Brisbane Qld

skin cancer

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David and Robin Lyons

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