What is rosacea
Rosacea (pronounced ‘ro—zay—sha’) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects about one in 20 people. It is not known what causes rosacea and it is said there is no cure. However it is possible to manage rosacea so that the condition does not cause a problem in everyday life.
Angry facial redness is the main characteristic of rosacea. The redness is mainly across the cheeks, nose and chin. Another common rosacea characteristic is the occurrence of flare-ups of little pimple-like blisters. The flare-ups are often cyclic—occuring for weeks or months at a time, then going away, then returning at a later time.
Treating rosacea
This information about treating rosacea effectively with natural and organic skin products is from naturopath and herbalist David Lyons’ 45-plus years of practicing naturopathy and treating patients’ skin problems, including rosacea.
Before image of Penny, a Simplicité customer

When does rosacea occur?
Rosacea symptoms can build up slowly over many years or happen suddenly. Acne rosacea is a form of adult acne and typically comes on in the early 40s or later in life. Having red and rosy cheeks as a child can often mean rosacea may occur as an adult.
Four types of rosacea
There are four different types of rosacea. Each type has its own particular symptoms and sometimes people can suffer from more than one rosacea type at once.
Skin care concerns typically deal with type one and type two.
Rosacea type one
Rosacea type one, erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR), is associated with facial redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels.
Rosacea type two
Rosacea type two, papulopustular 'acne' rosacea is typified by acne-like breakouts and often affects women aged from early 40s on. Though the tender red bumps of acne rosacea look like pimples they are more like an inflamed nodule than the bacteria-filled pimples typical of acne vulgaris. These ‘pimples' can appear suddenly and stay for weeks. Harsh and drying acne medicated products easily irritate acne rosacea symptoms.
Before image of Penny, a Simplicité customer

Penny suffered from Type 2 - papulopustular 'acne' rosacea which is typified by acne-like breakouts
Rosacea type three
Rosacea type three, rhinophyma is related to thickening of the skin of the nose. This type of rosacea usually affects males and sometimes is accompanied by another type of rosacea.
Rosacea type four
Rosacea type four is called ocular rosacea. Its symptoms affect the eye area.
Naturopathic treatment for rosacea types 1 & 2
David Lyons' approach to treating rosacea with effective natural skin care products considers the possibility that rosacea can be complicated by opportunistic yeast or bacteria getting a foothold in the skin. The Simplicité treatment for rosacea includes specific products from the acne and breakout range because these heal, soothe and reduce redness.
Whether there are breakouts or not, this is the necessary approach and all products will still nutritionally support the skin.
After image of Penny, a Simplicité customer
Penny's beautiful skin is the result of having a yearly laser treatment and using Simplicité Basic Six products (comb oily skin), Acne Anti-Bacterial Serum and Capillary Repair Serum plus twice weekly Rosehip & Lavender Complexion Refiner (leave on for 30 mins).
Products that help rosacea
Most Simplicité facial products will help because of their high nutritive content; some particular products give more specific, intensive treatment.
For both rosacea types 1 and 2 it is recommended to begin with the Trial Pack of Basic Six products for your skin type.
Individual products to treat and soothe rosacea may also be chosen from the list below.
Sundew Cleansing Milk or Plant Gel Cleanser (for skin type)
- cleanse morning and night without fail as it's very important to remove cellular waste. (Precleanse makeup with Face Oil.)

Simplicite exfoliators can safely be used on couperose skin (skin with visible surface blood vessels).
One Step Exfoliating Cleanser - ideally use every evening or at least 4-6 times per week.
This is a gentle, nutritive treatment, not a 'scrub'. If you are hesitant to exfoliate, keep in mind that the One Step Exfoliating Cleanser has 16 times the antioxidant value of the equivalent amount of fresh blueberries squashed over the skin. The soothing, nutritive remedies in our products will work to heal rosacea.
Exfoliating Face Treatment - a gentle, enzyme lift nutritive treatment. Use every evening or alternate with One Step Exfoliating Cleanser or mix these together and use. -
Deeply Rehydrate
Sage or Rosewood Face Oil (depending on skin type) - for healing and anti-inflammatory effects. Apply one or two pumps over the entire face and neck twice daily, mixing with the Hydrating Floral Toning Lotion for best absorption. -
Protect skin surface
Moisturise with our non-clogging, non-irritating products. Select day and night moisturisers acccording to skin type.Intensive Treatments for type one rosacea
Reduce facial redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels - erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR)
1. Rosehip & Lavender Complexion Refiner - improves the appearance of broken capillaries. Active plant nutrients work to repair skin surface.
Apply mask to face, neck and décolletage - leave on for 30 minutes (essential for rosacea treatment), then gently rub off over tissues. Remove mask residue with a wet, well squeezed out face cloth; cleanse etc.
2. Capillary Repair Serum
Reduces redness, including from rosacea. Improves appearance of damaged surface capillaries.
Apply directly to affected areas twice daily.
Read testimonials about the effectiveness of these treatments for:
broken capillaries
assorted rosacea treatment successes
Intensive Treatments for type two rosacea
Reduce rosacea small pustules and redness (papulopustular 'acne' rosacea
1. Rosehip and Lavender Complexion Refiner - helps calm rosacea flareups.
Apply mask to face, neck and décolletage - leave on for at least 30 minutes (essential for rosacea treatment), then gently rub off over tissues. Remove mask residue with a wet, well squeezed out face cloth, cleanse etc.
2. Acne Anti-Bacterial Serum - it's important to use this Serum twice daily to reduce any small pustules and to control the bacteria that are invisibly building in the base of the skin's pores. Apply to a cotton make-up pad and draw FIRMLY over the entire face (not just where the rosacea is evident). Be sure to apply with a cotton pad as doing this helps to 'drag' out bacteria-causing cellular waste from the pores and force into its place the bacteria-fighting Serum. Use twice daily or more to soothe, heal and reduce inflammation.
Read testimonials about the effectiveness of these treatments for:
acne rosacea
assorted rosacea treatment successes
3. Herbal Skin Cleanser capsules - soothe, shorten time of rosacea flareups. Calm the secondary effects of fluctuating hormones (often the cause of rosacea symptoms).
Advice: Start taking the capsules as soon as there is a rosacea flareup (Dose: two capsules twice daily, with or without food.) Continue until flareup is gone. (Email or phone to order capsules.)
The sunscreen that will not irritate or inflame rosacea symptoms
Great Outdoors Moisturiser with Sunscreen - if a sunscreen is used, it is important to only use this Simplicité product because of its buffered formula -17 medicinal grade plant extracts protect skin from any effects of the combination of sun and sunscreening agents).
Avoid using nano-particle sunscreens and nano-particle mineral make-up foundations as these congest skin at a deep level. Because of this, use will often worsen rosacea conditions.
How histamines in diet can aggravate rosacea
Histamine-containing foods and foods that cause histamine to be released are known aggravators of rosacea. This list covers many foods that are part of everyday diets so please don't think that the foods on this list have to be avoided fanatically. The point is to ascertain if any of these foods are being eaten far in excess of 'normal' consumption. If there are any foods that predominate in large amounts, sometimes just backing off by 50% can make a significant difference.
Usually there is no need to avoid these foods completely, just reduce the incidence—unless a particular culprit is identified that seems to be associated with a flaring-up of the condition.
Histamine-rich foods that can aggravate rosacea
- Alcoholic beverages, especially beer and wine.
- Anchovies
- Aged or fermented cheese, such as parmesan, blue and Roquefort.
- Dried fruits such as apricots, prunes, figs and raisins (you may be able to eat these fruits, without reaction, if the fruit is thoroughly washed or steeped in boiling water for 15 minutes). Naturally-dried fruit should be fine (don't contain sulphur).
- Eggplant
- Processed meats - sausage, hot dogs, salami, etc.
Chilli sauce, pickles, pickled beets, relishes.
Histamine-releasing foods that can aggravate rosacea
- Alcohol
- Caffeine, remembering that tea usually has nearly the same amount of caffeine as coffee.
- Milk
- Pineapple—with the possible exception of very ripe fruit. It’s worth trying to see if there is a reaction or not, so as not to miss out on this important food.
- Highly acidic oranges or citrus generally. Again, with the possible exception of very ripe fruit. It’s worth trying to see if there is a reaction or not, so as not to miss out on these important foods.
- Shellfish
- Strawberries - unless very ripe.