
Scientific research to support claims made for the following Simplicite products:

Angelica Lip Care Balm 


Research findings: over 500 scientific studies have documented the chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical applications of echinacea. The most consistently proven effect of echinacea is in stimulating phagocytosis, that is, encouraging white blood cells and lymphocytes to attack invading organisms.

Specific actions: Echinacea increases the number and activity of immune system cells, including anti-tumor cells: promotes T-cell activation; stimulates new tissue growth for wound healing; reduces inflammation in inflammatory skin conditions; Mild antibiotic action: bacteriostatic, anti-viral, anti-fungal. inhibits the bacterial enzyme hyaluronidase, to help prevent bacterial access to healthy cells.

Clinical Study: an extract of echinacea showed an increase of 50%-120% in immune function over a 5 day period (Jurcic, et al. 1989).

Clinical Study: an extract of echinacea significantly increased the resistance to flu and reduced the symptoms of lymph gland swelling, inflamed nasal passages and headache (Braunig, et al. 1992).

Clinical Study: Of 4500 patients with inflammatory skin conditions, including psoriasis, 85% were cured with topical applications of echinacea salve (Wacker & Hilbig, 1978). Laboratory Study: Human white blood cells, stimulated by echinacea extract increased phagocytosis (consumption) of yeast cells by 20-40% compared to controls. (Wagner and Proksch 1985)


1.Squalene appears to be critical in reducing free radical oxidative damage to the skin. Zih-Rou Huang 1, Yin-Ku Lin 2,3 and Jia-You Fang 1, Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Squalene; Chang Gung Uni, Kweishan, Taoyuan, 2009, 549.

2.During the past few years, squalene was found to show protective activities against several carcinogens. Senthilkumar, S.; Devaki, T.; Manohar, B.M.; Babu, M.S. Effect of squalene on cyclophosphamide-induced toxicity. Clin. Chim. Acta 2006, 364, 335-342.

3.Experimental studies have shown that squalene can effectively inhibit chemically induced skin tumorigenesis in rodents. Smith, T.J. Squalene: potential chemopreventive agent. Expert Opin. Invest. Drugs 2000, 9,1841-1848.

4. Kelly GS. Squalene potential clinical uses. Altern Med Rev. 1999; 4:29-36. Newmark HL, Squalene, olive oil, cancer risk: review and hypothesis. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 1997; 6:1101-1103.

5. Rao CV et al Chemopreventive effect of squalene on colon cancer. Carcinogenesis. 1998; 19:287-290. Smith TJ et al. Inhibition of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced lung tumorogenesis by dietary olive oil and squalene. Carcinogenesis. 1998; 19:703-706. Storm HM et al. Radioprotection by dietary squalene. Lipids. 1993; 28:555-559.

6. ‘Wheatgerm oil posses various biological properties as an anticancer and antioxidant agent’ – Evaluation of radio protective effects of Wheatgerm oil, 2011, Ibrahim A.H. Barakat, Osama A. Abbas, Samia Ayad and Aziza M. Hassan. Zoology Department, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Radiation Research Department, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt, Cell Biology Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.


1. Review Article Biological activities of Lavender essential oil, H. M. A. Cavanagh, J. M. Wilkinson * Biomed Sciences, Charles Sturt Uni, Wagga Wagga, NSW

2. Biological investigations of antioxidant-antimicrobial properties and chemical composition of essential oil from Lavandula multifida
Khalid Sellam, Mhamed Ramchoun, Chakib Alem, Lhoussaine El-Rhaffari.
Oxid Antioxid Med Sci. 2013; 2(3): 211-216doi: 10.5455/oams.290513.or.044

3. Lavender: Antimicrobial activity of four volatile essential oils
8/10 Tony Pereira Bergkvist Goteborgs Sweden 2007 Charles Sturt Uni


1. Pinelli et al. Quali-quantitative analysis and antioxidant activity of polyphenolic extract from Olea europea L. leaves, 2000.

2. Olive – Synthesis and Assignment of Absolute Configuration of (-)-Oleocanthal: A Potent, Naturally Occurring Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oxidant Agent Derived from Extra Virgin Olive Oils (potentially leaf extract).” Smith, Amos B., III; Han, Qiang; Breslin, Paul A. S.; Beauchamp, Gary K. Organic Letters (2005), 7(22), 5075-5078.


One Step Exfoliating Cleanser

Birch Leaf, flavonoids - Scientific Reference 

(Wagner & Bladt Plant Drug Analysis: A Thin-Layer Chromatography Atlas, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1996). Birch tar oil is used in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis. (Reynolds Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia 26th ed, Pharmaceutical Press, London 1973)

Lavender - Scientific Research

1. Review Article Biological activities of Lavender essential oil, H. M. A. Cavanagh, J. M. Wilkinson * Biomed Sciences, Charles Sturt Uni, Wagga Wagga, NSW

2. Biological investigations of antioxidant-antimicrobial properties and chemical composition of essential oil from Lavandula multifida
Khalid Sellam, Mhamed Ramchoun, Chakib Alem, Lhoussaine El-Rhaffari.
Oxid Antioxid Med Sci. 2013; 2(3): 211-216doi: 10.5455/oams.290513.or.044

3. Lavender: Antimicrobial activity of four volatile essential oils
8/10 Tony Pereira Bergkvist Goteborgs Sweden 2007 Charles Sturt Uni Contains terpene which helps skin cells to resist early skin cancer changes (See Research).

Rosemary, terpenes - Scientific Research

1. Terpenes and their Derivatives: Rosmarinus officianlis -Terpenes; cineole. Uni of Mauritius 2003122103128.pdf

2. Contains terpene (helps skin cells resist early skin cancer changes) from Cineole (anti-inflammatory), borneol and thujone. Santos, F. A.; Rao, V. S. (2000). “Antiinflammatory and Antinociceptive Effects of 1,8-Cineole, a Terpenoid Oxide Present in many Plant Essential Oils”. Phytotherapy Research 14 (4): 240–244. doi:10.1002/1099-1573(200006)14:43.0.CO;2-X. PMID 10861965

3. Observed anticancer effect of I,8-Cineole…terpenes.
Derived terpenes for the tailored treatment of superficial and deep skin lesions
C. M. Bertram, D. J. Ireland, S. J. Greay, T. V. Riley, P. Filion, Lee Yong Lim, M. W. Beilharz
Sydney – 01/2012; In proceeding of: Conjoint 3rd Australasian Wound & Tissue Repair Society Meeting and 9th Australasian Society for Dermatology Research Meeting


Plant Gel Cleanser (Combination Oily Skin)

Scientific Research Sources To Support Claims Made for Plant Gel Cleanser (Comb Oily Skin)

Zou Y, Lu Y, Wei D. State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, Institute of Biochemistry, East China Uni of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, ‘free radical scavenging activity’, Antioxidant activity of a flavonoid-rich extract, Hypericum; H. M. A. Cavanagh, J. M. Wilkinson, Biomed Sciences, Charles Sturt Uni, Wagga Wagga, NSW Review Article Biological activities of Lavender essential oil; Khalid Sellam, Mhamed Ramchoun, Chakib Alem, Lhoussaine El-Rhaffari.
Oxid Antioxid Med Sci. 2013; 2(3): 211-216doi: 10.5455/oams.290513.or.044, Biological investigations of antioxidant-antimicrobial properties and chemical composition of essential oil from Lavandula multifida. 8/10 Tony Pereira Bergkvist Goteborgs Sweden 2007 Charles Sturt Uni, Lavender: Antimicrobial activity of four volatile essential oils; C. M. Bertram, D. J. Ireland, S. J. Greay, T. V. Riley, P. Filion, Lee Yong Lim, M. W. Beilharz, Sydney – 01/2012; In proceeding of: Conjoint 3rd Australasian Wound & Tissue Repair Society Meeting and 9th Australasian Society for Dermatology Research Meeting, Observed anti-cancer effect of I,8-Cineole…terpenes, derived terpenes for the tailored treatment of superficial and deep skin lesions. Santos, F. A.; Rao, V. S. (2000). “Antiinflammatory and Antinociceptive Effects of 1,8-Cineole, a Terpenoid Oxide Present in many Plant Essential Oils”. Phytotherapy Research 14 (4): 240–244. doi:10.1002/1099-1573(200006)14:4<240::aid-ptr573>3.0.CO;2-X. PMID 10861965.


Plant Gel Cleanser N/D

Scientific Research Sources To Support Claims Made For Plant Gel Cleanser (Normal Dry Skin)
(Albring,M:Meth Find Exptl Clin Pharmacol5, 575 (1983), In studies, chamomile has been shown to have a superior soothing effect on dermatitis when compared to a 1% Hydrocortisone cream. Chamomile has also been shown to have 70% of the anti-inflammatory effect of hydrocortisone cream.  Chamomile has a 2000 year history of medicinal use. Used for acne, allergies, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, rashes, sensitive skin problems.
Citral, full name 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al, is a key component of the essential oil of Rose Geranium. Studies show that at ‘normal use’ concentrations, citrals have an anti-cancer potential through a pathway called induced apoptosis by activating an enzyme, caspase-3.2004-2013 Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad (652790-V), ‘citral… prompts in vitro cancer cells to commit suicide via apoptosis.’ Dudai N, Weinstein Y, Krup M, Rabinski T, Ofir R. Hazeva Research and Development Center, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel,  Citral is a new inducer of caspase-3 in tumor cell lines. 


Sundew Cleansing Milk

Scientific Research Sources To Support Claims Made For Sundew Cleansing Milk

Gingko biloba has been tested in over 300 clinical trials in the last thirty years. Its effectiveness is well established and in countries such as Germany, Ginkgo is in widespread use. In a trial (1) published nearly fifteen years ago it was stated that the extract satisfied the World Health Organisation’s criteria to be considered effective against cerebral deterioration with aging. The conclusion reached by many of the studies is that patients benefit from being treated with Ginkgo biloba, and that positive effect of the treatment commences some four to eight weeks after initiating treatment. (1) Presse Med 1986 Sept 15(31):1540-5,‘Treatment of the disorders of ageing with Gingko biloba extract. From pharmacology to clinical medicine’; Citral, full name 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al, is a key component of the essential oil of Lemongrass and Rose Geranium. Studies show that at ‘normal use’ concentrations, citrals have an anti-cancer potential through a pathway called induced apoptosis by activating an enzyme, caspase-3.2004-2013 Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad (652790-V), ‘citral… prompts in vitro cancer cells to commit suicide via apoptosis.’ Dudai N, Weinstein Y, Krup M, Rabinski T, Ofir R. Hazeva Research and Development Center, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel,  Citral is a new inducer of caspase-3 in tumor cell lines; H. M. A. Cavanagh, J. M. Wilkinson, Biomed Sciences, Charles Sturt Uni, Wagga Wagga, NSW Review Article Biological activities of Lavender essential oil;Khalid Sellam, Mhamed Ramchoun, Chakib Alem, Lhoussaine El-Rhaffari.
Oxid Antioxid Med Sci. 2013; 2(3): 211-216doi: 10.5455/oams.290513.or.044, Biological investigations of antioxidant-antimicrobial properties and chemical composition of essential oil from Lavandula multifida. 8/10 Tony Pereira Bergkvist Goteborgs Sweden 2007 Charles Sturt Uni, Lavender: Antimicrobial activity of four volatile essential oils.


Waratah and Beetroot Plant Nutrient Mask


1. Review Article Biological activities of Lavender essential oil, H. M. A. Cavanagh, J. M. Wilkinson * Biomed Sciences, Charles Sturt Uni, Wagga Wagga, NSW

2. Biological investigations of antioxidant-antimicrobial properties and chemical composition of essential oil from Lavandula multifida
Khalid Sellam, Mhamed Ramchoun, Chakib Alem, Lhoussaine El-Rhaffari.
Oxid Antioxid Med Sci. 2013; 2(3): 211-216doi: 10.5455/oams.290513.or.044

3. Lavender: Antimicrobial activity of four volatile essential oils
8/10 Tony Pereira Bergkvist Goteborgs Sweden 2007 Charles Sturt Uni

Rosemary, terpenes

1. Terpenes and their Derivatives: Rosmarinus officianlis -Terpenes; cineole. Uni of Mauritius 2003122103128.pdf

2. Contains terpene (helps skin cells resist early skin cancer changes) from Cineole (anti-inflammatory), borneol and thujone. Santos, F. A.; Rao, V. S. (2000). “Antiinflammatory and Antinociceptive Effects of 1,8-Cineole, a Terpenoid Oxide Present in many Plant Essential Oils”. Phytotherapy Research 14 (4): 240–244. doi:10.1002/1099-1573(200006)14:4<240::aid-ptr573>3.0.CO;2-X. PMID 10861965

3. Observed anticancer effect of I,8-Cineole…terpenes.
Derived terpenes for the tailored treatment of superficial and deep skin lesions
C. M. Bertram, D. J. Ireland, S. J. Greay, T. V. Riley, P. Filion, Lee Yong Lim, M. W. Beilharz
Sydney – 01/2012; In proceeding of: Conjoint 3rd Australasian Wound & Tissue Repair Society Meeting and 9th Australasian Society for Dermatology Research Meeting

Mandarin, citral

Citral, full name 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al, is a key component of the essential oil of …. Studies show that at ‘normal use’ concentrations, citrals have an anti-cancer potential through a pathway called induced apoptosis by activating an enzyme, caspase-3.

1. ‘citral… prompts in vitro cancer cells to commit suicide via apoptosis.’ 2004-2013 Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad (652790-V). 2. Citral is a new inducer of caspase-3 in tumor cell lines. Dudai N, Weinstein Y, Krup M, Rabinski T, Ofir R. Hazeva Research and Development Center, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel