Improve the look and feel of skin during and after Efudex

Improve the look and feel of your skin during and after Efudex treatment. More than 98% of customers say Damask Rose helped soothe discomfort, itching and blistering.

Nolene's Efudex story

"Sharing my Efudex story may help others improve their experience during Efudex treatment by using Damask Rose Day Creme during and after. Ever since  discovering this wonderful cream I still use it and many other Simplicité products - my skin has certainly never been better."
Nolene Wood

"I was in a lot of pain in week two of a month-long treatment for my whole face using Efudex fluorouracil cream for sun damage, including early BCCs (basal cell carcinomas).

After the first application of the Efudex cream my skin started burning - over two weeks this got progressively worse. I was in constant pain.

But everything changed after an unexpected phone call.

I'm a website designer and the phone call was from the owner of a skin care company, Simplicité Skin Care, wanting help with their site.

During the call I looked through the site and was impressed by results people said the products gave. I noticed that each product was made using what was explained as ‘nutritive, healing, skin-friendly and highest quality’ plant extracts'.

So I asked for help with my burning, red skin.

I told Robin, the co-founder of Simplicité, about the very painful treatment I was going through and asked if any Simplicité products would work in conjunction with the Efudex treatment to give me some much needed relief.

Relieve pain during Efudex treatment

Vaseline gave me no relief for discomfort while using Efudex

Unless you have used Efudex yourself or known someone going through the treatment it's difficult to understand the sort of pain and discomfort you experience over the entire period of using it.

You constantly want to scratch and rub your face. You have to wear a face with no expression; no smiling or frowning - because doing any of those hurts. Your sleep is disturbed and you even have to eat with a teaspoon because it hurts to open your mouth more than just a tiny bit.

The doctor’s advice for pain relief during the treatment was to apply Vaseline to the affected areas a few times daily. I had been doing this, but not only did it give no relief, but after every time I applied the Vaseline my face felt as if I was rubbing razor blades across it.

Using Simplicité Damask Rose Day Creme helped many customers during Efudex

Robin told me that Simplicité Damask Rose Day Creme was soothing and highly nutritive so it might help. She said she would post me the product. I received it next morning and immediately applied some to my face.

It felt so beautiful and smooth to use but the main thing was I could not believe how my face suddenly felt normal again.

The burning stopped, the itching stopped and I didn’t even feel any need to touch my face again until I next used the Efudex cream a couple of hours later.

I was so surprised and relieved that I emailed Robin's husband David Lyons, the naturopath and herbalist who formulates and makes Simplicité products, to ask how this product could help me so much.

David said it's because 1. he makes Damask Rose Day Creme (and all his range) using synergistic combinations of the highest possible activity (medicinal grade) plant extracts. And 2. he makes these extracts himself from the actual herbs to ensure they're as strong as possible. (David chooses from '100 herbs' and hates weak, 'dead' plant extracts with a pasion.) 

Calendula, Chamomile and Rose Geranium are three of Damask Rose's nine soothing, nourishing plant extracts. David said an example of their high activity is a study showed that wounds treated with medicinal grade Chamomile extract healed significantly faster than those managed with 1% hydrocortisone cream (without any side effects).

From that time on I would put the Efudex cream on in the morning, wait two hours then apply Damask Rose Cream. It helped so much that, hours later, I realised I hadn't thought about my face, pain, at all.

I would only remember how horribly red it was getting when I looked in the mirror.

In the evening I would wash my face again and reapply the Efudex, then before bedtime put on the Damask Rose. Doing this gave me a good night’s sleep.

Best pain soother for Efudex treatment

In weeks 3 and 4 the cream stung for a couple of minutes at first

By the time I got to weeks 3 and 4 of the Efudex treatment my skin was very, very raw so the Damask Rose Cream really stung for about two minutes at first.

So I would count to 100, at which point my skin would suddenly settle down and stop stinging. Then, the cream completely soothed in the same way it had been doing since the beginning of the treatment.

Best pain soother for Efudex

My Dermatologist approved using soothing Damask Rose AntiOxidant Day Creme during Efudex treatment

When I went for my next dermatologist checkup at the three week point I showed him what I was using instead of Vaseline.
He checked the ingredients listed on the jar and said it was fine to keep on with what I was doing as the Damask Rose Day Creme didn’t contain anything that would hinder Efudex treatment.

I continued using Efudex for just over four weeks and towards the end I was applying the Damask Rose Day Creme three to four times through the day to relieve the discomfort.

Best pain soother for Efudex
Nolene three months after finishing Efudex treatment

What to use after Efudex treatment

When I finished the Efudex treatment my skin was red and raw. It improved dramatically each day as I continued to use Damask Rose Day Creme.

Over a period of time I added other Simplicité products - first a gentle facial Cleanser (Sundew Cleansing Milk was so soothing and gentle), Antioxidant Plant Serum and Rosewood Face Oil. These helped my very sensitive skin to feel wonderful and after a couple of months I added other Simplicité products to form a complete routine.

I will always remember how Damask Rose Cream helped so much during and after Efudex treatment to stop nasty scabs forming and my skin cracking. I still use all of my Simplicité products and have never been happier with my skin.
Thank you David and Robin, you have produced some truly remarkable products."

Nolene Wood 
Springwood QLD Australia

Skeptical doctor: Damask Rose Day Creme "really works" for relief during Efudex

"The day had arrived where I was going to embark again on undergoing Efudex skin treatment for sun damage to my skin from years of childhood sun cream neglect. Anyone who has gone through Efudex skin therapy would tell you it's not one of life’s greatest experiences with significant skin discomfort developing after about 10 days."

"Your skin becomes red raw. It blisters, weeps and peels off in layers. Sleepless nights etc etc. Shaving the face is like torture. The standard advice is to use moisturiser, Panadol or even cortisone cream. Did not work at all for me but after talking to David and Robin Lyons who produce the magnificent Simplicité Skin Care range it was recommended I use Damask Rose Day Creme."

"It was revolutionary. This cream which combines too many natural components to list, really works and I am one of the great skeptics. Discomfort levels down by 80%. Sleep no problem at all. It was fantastic. I can highly recommend this product."

Dr M.C.
Brisbane Australia

More discomfort relief during Efudex skin cancer treatment

"I received the Damask Rose Day Creme last night and relief for my skin was instant! The cream has taken away the irritation, angriness, swelling and redness. I even managed to sleep through the night without discomfort! Once I’ve healed I will definitely look at your other products to purchase."
Petrina E.
NSW Australia

Amazing results for Efudex red cracked skin

I was recently prescribed a course of Efudex. Towards the end of the course the skin on my face was red and dry, with areas of cracked, broken skin. Thankfully this occurred during the extended NSW lock-down period!

I tried pure Jojoba oil but this didn't help at all. After some online research I noticed that people were claiming dramatic results from Simplicite Damask Rose Day Creme, so I ordered some. The results really were amazing.

I applied it 3-4 times a day and found it settled the discomfort and dry skin. It also assisted the healing process and by the end of the first week I was just left with some residential redness, which was since faded.

My next purchase was a Simplicite trial pack which I am loving, and combined with some great advice from Robin I feel as if my skin is not only free from the effects of sun damage but is also looking better than it has for years.
Sindhu S
NSW Australia

Comfort and healing, so effective

I was able to exclusively use your Damask Rose Day Cream for my annual 5-FU (0.005% calcipotriol / 5% fluorouracil) treatment and it was amazing! This improved my comfort and healing through the process more than I could have imagined. At first, I thought a received an inert batch of chemical! On another note, the cream works better than the 2.5% hydrocortisone (vaseline base) cream I previously used sparingly because of side effects. Thank you for providing a one of a kind, amazingly effective product. 
Dave W 

Damask Rose gave me relief during Efudex treatment

"My skin specialist recommended I use Efudex and I agreed to this as I didn't want to let the sun spots etc take a hold. I didn't want to get skin cancer.
The photos in Noelene Wood's testimony are exactly what I looked like. I was told to use Vaseline to keep the skin moist so it wouldn't get little crusts on the blisters.Fortunately I didn't ever get to the stage of bad blisters - I did however have very itchy, tight and burning feelings. After using Vaseline it got worse and felt just shocking. So then I was told to use sorbolene and an aqueous cream - I wasn't keen to use those on my skin. I am so pleased I rang and spoke to the person at your office who told me about using the Simplicité Damask Rose Day Creme. Nolene Wood was right. It helped me so much too - no more burning."

Sandra C

QLD Australia

To purchase Damask Rose Day Creme click here.
Read another article about relief for discomfort during Efudex treatment.

Please note, we offer the Damask Rose Day Creme as a soothing calming balm during chemotherapy-based sun damage treatments. This was originally based on reports from customers who found relief. For the last few years we have had more than 200 customers reporting the same soothing calming effect. One customer found no benefit. 

We do not offer pain relief as such and we cannot guarantee that all experiences will be positive. 
We offer this soothing antioxidant creme in good faith and based on customer reports. We cannot offer a money-back guarantee. 


Efudex Efudex pain reliever skin cancer treatment

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David and Robin Lyons

Simplicité Founders

"We help our customers to never again feel disappointed or worried about their skin. Every day we hear from surprised, happy, satisfied people about the most effective skin care products they’ve ever found."